Meeting and Discussion for Future Collaboration in TRANSCEND Project with Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC)
Date: 12th January 2022
Venue/Platform: Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC)
Participants: Sr. Dr. Noralfishah Sulaiman, Siti Kursiah Kamalia Abdul Latib, Mohd Amir Shafiq Mohd Hamzah from KANZU Research: Resilient Built Environment, En. Awang Abdullah Razak CEO of RS & GIS Consultancy Sdn. Bhd., En. Shah Boli CTO of ADSI Engineering Sdn. Bhd., En. Sudarnoto Osman (CEO), En. Hamadlan Hamdan (CTO), En. Nee Ngie Sing (Head of Network Engineering and Operation), Dr. Khairul Hafiz Sharkawi (Head of Research and Product Development) from Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC).
Description: 7 members and representatives from Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC) and ADSI Engineering Sdn. Bhd were attended the meeting with KANZU Research for the presentation of MOBILISE System 3.0, which sparked questions and discussion afterwards, while SDEC and ADSI had showed interest on the mechanism and the impacts of MOBILISE System towards Sarawak.