SENA Traffic Sdn. Bhd. Visit and Discussion on MOBILISE System
26th October 2022
KANZU Research Office, Block G7, UTHM
Assoc. Prof. Sr. Dr. Noralfishah Sulaiman,Siti Kursiah Kamalia Abdul Latib, Sena Traffic Sdn Bhd,Nursyahirah binti Yusman,Nur Irdina Haziqah Azahar,Nur Ainun Asyura Arman and Nur Amirah Raihanah Mokhtar Sani.
Assoc. Prof. Sr. Dr. Noralfishah Sulaiman discussed and presented about MOBILISE and TRANSCEND project. Furthermore, Dr Nora presented video, slides and potential collaboration between Kanzu Research and SENA Traffic Sdn. Bhd.
Dr Nora also shared the progress on the data collection for MOBILISE system regarding the Data Engine and Risk Visualiser along with new micro services like early warning system, drone simulation and scenario generator at KANZU Research, UTHM.